Belovedxum Educational Institute

We develop generational assets because we are Simple Solution to Complex Problems

Our Academics


“Our Purpose at Belovedxum Educational Institute (BEI), exists to inculcate right knowledge on the generation assets and modelling them to the gallery of frontliners. To develop a world-class learner that embodies innovation, compassion, and excellence. To equipping generational assets with the right knowledge, skills, values necessary to succeed in an ever-evolving global society.  By building strong partnerships with families and community,  we strive to foster creativity, curiosity, and a lifelong passion for learning through a friendly technological involvement.”

Mission statement : Belovedxum Educational Institutes, we exist to impact humanity with the adequate knowledge to prepare for future challenges. Our institution provides a supportive and learners’ centre environment that empowers generational assets to reach their full potential. Implanting love for learning, critical puzzle skills, and moral, with the support of educational stakeholders. And later become a National figure for community development.

Know More About Us

Good and Self Study Ability

Exploring Community Engagement

Admissions Ongoing

Ongoing at the Institution

Technological Development

@ Belovedxum Edu Institute,
We build generational Aseets

Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
Active PTFA Members

Building Generational Assets with love and passion in heterogeneous community.

ADISA, Olusumbo

Curriculum Overview

Belovedxum Educational Institute offers all learners a balanced curriculum that motivate learning and rewarding activities to prepare them for the best the expected from our students.

Computer Science

In BEI, students are expose to various technological trends to cope in the world of IT.

Fine Arts

Nurturing the interest of young learners on the value of image and giving meaning to imagery.
Aspiring to increase the number of artist in our world.


Inculcating moral and sound knowledge about relevance of the past to the present and its effect on the future. For societal growth and development.


Scientific reasoning/thought is mother of innovation. We encourage this.


Solving a logical problems has a lot to do with mathematical foundation, we are nurturing problem solvers.


Communication bedrock is language. We value language and teach other to do same.

Our Extra-Curricular not limited to:


Generational assets are passionate about knowing, so we permit them sports, athletics and others educative activities that can ease they curious mind.

In-house Publications

Aside from publishing our regular activities on media, we also have a good business network with Amazon which aids our international footing.

Performing Arts & Music

With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art forms like dance, drama, painting and more.

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